
La Femme


Loves & Wants

.. + Puppy/Kitty
.. + Good Grades
.. + Make-Up Sets
.. + Many many clothes
.. + Distinction for Chemistry
.. + Driving License
.. + Travel around the world


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Friday, June 27, 2008

Kawaii-Ness ♥

Today we having a health check up at our school. Quite sad that it happens to be during our maths period. We were chatting while waiting for the nurse to call us. Me and my friends also take our own health booklet to compare.. Boliao me =P. As usual, go in check our eyes and backbone. There is one nurse can say quite interesting, cause her job is to check our eyes degree. However, when i come over, she asked me how to operate this handphone (Sony Ericsson). Then i helped her, after that she thank me and start doing checking on my eyes. ==" For the backbone check up, its okay and normal. =) Hehe.

Nothing much to say.. =X

~End of post ~


11:22 PM

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Kawaii-Ness ♥

Post for myself to see.
Take a look if interested =X



8:24 PM

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Kawaii-Ness ♥

Yeah~!! Our school had won other school for the "The Record Challenge" ^^. Our marks between the other school was 5 marks only. Heng.. So nervous sia when they were about to tell us the result. The explanade was so nice, and most of the part were done by the Sec 3s. Ytd i back home around evening cause was too hungry and never eat lunch. =x Some of my friends stay until last night 10 plus i think. This afternoon around 4plus, the media arrived. I cant wait to see the cute artist ^^ Good that never get interview today. Haha. We were given 1 hour to prepare. Also we have 5mins to perform, me and my friends were just holding the dragon, trying to make it "dance", while some of the sec 3s need to explain about the esplanade. There is also day and night view. The night view of the esplanade was so nice (sad that no picture on >< ). While looking at the explanade, we also need to do some singing of national song ==" After that there will have 2 "planes flying" by. Its so amazing!! This was just a rehersal. When the judges had arrived, the show starts. When it had ended, we realise that we had forgotten to do the dragon dance~!! Cham!! However the media wants us to do it again, maybe they want do the filming again thats why. This time we did liaos, and the judges might have noticed it =X I am worried that we might lost point cause of us.
Yet, we still won, haha no more guilty =X
Gratz Sgss won~!! ^^


8:43 PM

Friday, June 20, 2008

Kawaii-Ness ♥

Waa heng sia today.. Never tio shot by media~!! Woots~!! ^^ Mostly the guys were interviewed by media. Hehe. But also quite tiring coz we are chionging to complete whole thing as tomorrow is the competition liaos. Some of us doesnt have our lunch. I was feeling abit tired and lazy coz i was so HUNGRY!! >< I tried to hold on until 6plus cannot tahan le and left school with my two friends. =X =X =X Yeah~!! Saw the artist again~!! They were so cute!! XD XD!!


9:07 PM

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Kawaii-Ness ♥

Today something went wrong with me.. Keep laughing non stop when i enter my school. Even during choir practice also.
Hahaha~~ =="
~Nth to say~


10:14 PM

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Kawaii-Ness ♥

Today was my second time being shot and interviewed by the media. (Before being interview, my stomach hurts badly and so rushed to the toilet ==") I was supposed to "sabo" my friend, by telling them to stay where they were sitting and let them interview us. However, i was left alone with my teacher. T.T.. Thanks to my teacher, who helped me talking, and i just remained smiling and said a few words. After shooting i thought its over so trying to sit down and relax continue doing my work. I was watching my teacher being interviewed. She doesn't look nervous when interviewing (wonder how she did that =X). While doing work, the director told us that they are going to interview some of us one by one. This time i tell my friends they have to be interviewed no matter what. =X But when the camera man comes, they asked me to interview!! I was told to answer their question when they ask me but i couldn't answer them clearly and was told to retake a few times. Got two times is i request for retaking. LoLs.. When finish taking, i took a deep breathe. And the director asked me if im nervous as this was my first time shooting o0.Anyways the media were so friendly worrs XD..


7:39 PM

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Kawaii-Ness ♥

Today i went for my choir practice and when we were warming up, my voice were different than last time. Now it sound weird when singing =X When the conductor was testing our voices, he found that i am able to sing low note. So he put me from Soprano to Alto. Some of my friends, including me, were shocked. Then he explained to us that some people's voice will change in times, and one of them is me =.=" Zzz.. I tried to test myself the voice again. Beside being able to sing high note, which every Soprano can did, i was able to sing lower than before. Hehe, quite interesting rite. =) However is sad that i cant use to being an Alto section when the conductor tell me to learn the song all over again, which means that what i have learned the song from Soprano Section cant be use. Instead, i had to learn the songs from Alto's part and might have lesser of chance to sing the high notes part lers. Hope can used to it or else i will miss the times being a Soprano lers.. >.<


8:29 PM

Friday, June 6, 2008

Kawaii-Ness ♥

Haiish~!! Dunno should be happy or sad.. Today i went to school with my classmate doing a so call big project. Is something like "break the world record" and that the media will com to interview us!! Thanks to my frenz who think of that great idea which teacher like it. However i ganna "sabo" too. When it is going to shoot the next group, our team, me like was the first one tio shot.. T.T so paiseh lor!! I was so nervous infront of the camera but manage to speak out.. Anyways, the two artist were so cute when talking~!! Haha ^^ [LoLs..]


8:37 PM

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Kawaii-Ness ♥


No topic.. So sianz..


1:05 PM