
La Femme


Loves & Wants

.. + Puppy/Kitty
.. + Good Grades
.. + Make-Up Sets
.. + Many many clothes
.. + Distinction for Chemistry
.. + Driving License
.. + Travel around the world


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Saturday, July 26, 2008

Kawaii-Ness ♥

Today we having a fun and tiring outing this afternoon.. =X

Wake up at 8.30am, 11am+ meet with Huiyu near school bus stop there. Then we board the bus and went to Ang Mo Kio Mrt station to meet with Benedict and Benjamin. Didnt know they will go get the English newspaper.. Nth to say x.x.. After that we take mrt to Dobhy Ghaut to meet with Xiang Shun.

After meeting we go to Plaza Singapura to watch movie. We bought 5 tickets liao hou then go eat at the KFC. When eat finish we go up level 7 there play some games. The 3 guys were like challenging a car racing game, and Huiyu and me were watching them playing. o0 Then i got bored so find games to play also. I like some kind of "sot" liaos, go play shooting game. Is not those cartoon kind one but 3D and is shooting the zombies~!! I thought very fun so want to try. Who knows, when the game started i kenna shocked by the zombies then accidently step on Xiang Shun's feet =X Psps~!! >< After that we let Benedict and Xiang Shun play. Damn exciting sia watched them playing.. not like mine just started then game over so soon =X LoL..

Around nearly 2pm, we go into the cinema to watch "The Dark Knight" The movie is SooOooO nice!! LoLs. We watched for 2hrs plus then came out. After that we walk around the shopping center then from there we take mrt to Bugis d National Library. In the evening we then have our dinner together at Bugis Junction. The Lemon Tea is more likely than a lemon juice.. Damn sour~!! And the soup i order like got alot black pepper also very spicy X.X.. cant finish them all so back home will have a supper.

Soon we got tired and decided to go home lers. Xiang Shun wants take bus home while we take mrt cause is further i guess. Benedict keep yawning o0, Huiyu getting giddy << (never eat her dinner just now) and me is sleepy =.=" Benjamin seems awake o.O.. Benedict was trying to take photo of us in the mrt then kenna saw by Huiyu.. Haha. Lastly, we board the bus got home.


9:57 PM

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Kawaii-Ness ♥


Whole school celebrate racial harmony day. The Senior Minister and some VIPs came to our school too. I was in the chinese painting and had to wear Qi Pao on that day. I try to avoid being seen by my friends but whole class like saw me wearing this ler even some sec 3s de also. After the ceremony, we went for recess then go see see school de every corner. Sad cant see the games cause it rain during the performance in the hall until the SM and VIP left was still raining i think =X.

Sorry maybe its short cause really nothing much to says ><"


We having an inter house netball competition after school around 3.45pm. Angsali had no netballer. Other house like Burgley, Lichfield, Paramount and Kegsinton will at least hav 2 or 3 of them. T.T During the competition we like kenna trash by Kegsinton and Paramount. Is like so hard to win lorrs. They too pro le.. >< (maybe is angsali too noob le =X jkjk) After playing then quickly rush back home and wash up cause had to attend some dinner until 11plus. Back home around 11.30pm and go to sleep at 12am. Quite tired.


7:27 PM

Monday, July 14, 2008

Kawaii-Ness ♥

Haiish~!! Nth to say >< Our school had lost the record challenge T.T sobsob..

~End of post~


9:53 PM

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Kawaii-Ness ♥

Today is the day we having our "The Record Challenge" competition. Before going to school Huiyu, Benedict and me decide to have our breakfast at 107 coffee shop. Huiyu and me only drinking, and then Benedict was eating his noodle. Then chatting awhile and went to school. Around 10plus, we start to dance. Sian the sun damn big sia.. We dance for about 50mins, the people stopped us cause someone kenna heatstroke!! o.O Heard my cousin says that is a primary 4 kid fainted i think. Because she wear 2 clothes inside and thats why got a heatstroke.. Zzz.. What a pity worrs.., can break the Singapore record actually.. T.T Heng the kid is alright now. We didnt noe the result yet cause the opponent haven't dance. Miss Chng says she will annouce it tomorrow morning which is on Monday. ><"


1:49 PM

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Kawaii-Ness ♥

At about 5 or 6plus, me and my family went to dinner with my cousin together to the Balestier d foodcourt. Jenny, me and my sister ordered 3 plates of hokkien mee. Quite nice actually oO.. LoLs.. After awhile a female cleaner come and collect the plate. She just wipe the table imediately when my sister was still eating. I didnt notice anything, but Jenny saw that the cleaner have no manners, and so asked her to clean the later. Who knows, the cleaner was unhappy and scolded her. Then Jenny had a quarrel with her..!! o.O Omg.., didnt know she was so daring sia =X Then the cleaner walked away very quickly.. =X


10:05 PM

Kawaii-Ness ♥

This morning, we went for the "The Record Challenge" practice. I promise my freinds that have to reach school by 8.50am, yet i was late by a few mins. Zzz.. When reach school saw Huiyu and nazura there, then followed by my cousin. Jenny shouted my name from outside the hall that near the staircase there to the parade square, and went down the stair to look for me. After awhlie, Mr Tan call us to go up to the hall but we never go up cause don't want to "pangseh" other friends. =P Then some councillors come and call us again, and so we don't want to wait for others anymore and decide to go up.

When going up the stairs i was about to hold the handle, my cousin Jenny stops me and told me that there is paint around the handle o.O. Heng never kenna but some of the unlucky ones like Farhana and Benedict kenna the paint xD.. Haha~!! =X (Tell me if u noe others who kenna also xP) And then we enter and assemble in the hall.

Miss Chng, one of our teacher in charge, told us to dance for 30min o.O After dancing for about 25mins (maybe give us de discount =X) i found myself had dance the wrong steps two times >< Hope tomorrow this won't happen again..!! =X Around 10plus, we were dismissed. Went to bubble tea shop with Huiyu and back home. (:


9:07 PM

Friday, July 4, 2008

Kawaii-Ness ♥

After our school had won the"the record challenge", we went on to the semi-final match. Heard that we will be dancing together with few hundreds of students for around 40mins(i not sure). As we go along, the dance steps we learned seems to be more and more difficult. Half way through, i had lost and confused of the dance step. But thanks to Shermin, she come over to teach me so i can did better. Hehe. Its was very fun over that time. When i saw so many students doing the same dance step together, it was so nice~!! After several practice, my back started to feel pain. As for dear huiyu, her leg was in pain now =X After that went for choir practice. *Singing* "LaLa LaLa LaLa LaLa Elmo's world =DD" Then around going 7pm,went back home =) .. Sian nth to say, why always right that de T.T


9:58 PM