
La Femme


Loves & Wants

.. + Puppy/Kitty
.. + Good Grades
.. + Make-Up Sets
.. + Many many clothes
.. + Distinction for Chemistry
.. + Driving License
.. + Travel around the world


♥Choir's Blog!
♥Alyssa Sotong!
♥Benjamin Garfield Lover xD)
♥Han Long IQ freak
♥Hui Yu Chicken MAMA
♥Jearl Xiao Bu Dian
♥Jerlyn Cutie
♥Jermaine Chio Bu
♥Jia Qi Bunny
♥Jia Yi Meimei!
♥Jonathan Big palm
♥Li Jun!
♥Pei Qin!
♥Wei Jie!
♥Xiang Shun!
♥Xiao Yi
♥Yu Bin!



March 2008
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Music Beats

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

♥ Click
Designer: ♥PURPLE.licious-
Base Code: Tammy Agnes
Materials: Sakurapop Frostiparadice Little-Miss-Wendy
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Friday, August 29, 2008

Kawaii-Ness ♥

can be one my favourite day bahs.. =P
we were celebrating teacher's day
and so call Aces Day bah.. =X

This morning..
when i first woke up
someone go open my house door and it closed again.. o.O
at first thought that maybe is my imagination
so dont care about it
then my daddy asked me
if someone is opening the door.. =X
then i went to see..
i mistook my cousin
into an auntie.. =.="
Mei lian jian ta.
Haha~ xD

Then go to school..
the national anthem was loud ><
so surprising worrs..
then we being proceed to the hall
to have our games!! xD
first round for the court 1
was 2e1 (my class!! ^^) vs 2e4 oO
so exciting when watching..
then we won for the first round =)
after a few games which the other class playing..
then is our class turn liaos ><
Huiyu, Gary, Hong Liang, Zujian, Henry and me
were playing for the second round
unfortunately we lost the second round ><
dunno is the opponent too pro liaos
or is we too noob liao =X

after awhile..
we went for recess
and then we go to the staff room
to give our teachers presents..

then we go bak to the hall
watch prize presentation
and some perfomance

For the last part quite nice..
Principal, VP and other staff members
went up to the stage
hearing us calling
"Happy Teacher's Day"

After school..
Having lunch with my darling Huiyu (:
Then back home
playing AuditionSEA

Thats all for now~
Bye~ xD


2:16 PM

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Kawaii-Ness ♥

LaLaLa~ Bored Bored x.x
Yesterday got back my progress card..
The result was like.. can say is very tyco..
So hoping that this result can be my year end d result lorrs.. sobs..
Anyways.. exam coming lers..
Wish you all good luck for your exams =)

See Ya ^^
Nothing to post this days..
Nothing special happen =X
Nothing nothing nothing x.x


6:24 PM

Friday, August 22, 2008

Kawaii-Ness ♥

Nothing to say about this few days..
Help me think of something to say~ T.T
Haiish.. nevermind..
Maybe next time post some laughter or riddles from webbie bah =X
Want to sleep lers
Goodnight all.. =]

1 sheep.. 2 sheeps.. 3 sheeps.. 4 sheeps... .. =.="


11:15 PM

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Kawaii-Ness ♥

Happy National Day 2008 And
Happy 43rd Birthday Singapore~!! ^^

Suppose to wake up at 8am yet overslept by half an hour.. zz Faster go wash up then play com. Dunno why today's weather seems to be very warm and got slightly headache =X then go kill zakum saw the lava.. ayo.. x.x 1st kill, mostly mesos no zakum hat.. 2nd time kill saw 2 zakum hats but never pick. But know that Benedict have two so ask him for one =X Hehe.

Nothing much.. Shopping at somewhere dunno where. After that started to rain. Me damn boliao go stand under the rain =.=

Having dinner outside but not much cause not so hungry.. Again my head aching and mummy took out axe oil to try reduce the pain.. ~.~ Then we drove near NDP wanted to see the fireworks. Saw alot of traffic police passing by.. oO While driving, we saw alot of people park their car at the yellow line there, so we followed =X Then we saw number of planes flying about performing.. Quite nice =)
This is very unlucky.. Dunno is one of the traffic police or those doing carpark attendance came.. Then he called us to leave.. ><

So we try find another place to see. When we pass by the NDP again on the overhead bridge, just nice the firework started!! XD!! It suddenly appear infront of me. So big!! Damn nice sia!!! Then immediately took out handphone to take video of it. It was SooOoo nice~!! ^^ keep watching it everytime. Haha!!

Back home blogging then go sleep =)
Goodnight~!! xP


9:46 PM

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Kawaii-Ness ♥

Wow.. another outing with my friends and relatives.. oO

Today woke up until 11am when Jenny called me and said that all meet at amk hub at 1pm. Then we bought tickets to watch "Qian Bu Gou Yong 2". At first the movie was damn funny, we laugh until siao. But then also have some very sad and touching part.. The grandma sacrifies her own life to save her grand daughter who was dying, and makes me cry alot.. T.T Everyone must watch cause this movie damn nice!! ><

When the movie ended (i didnt finish eating my popcorn again..) we go shopping around the amk hub then go Mac Donald eat. After that we went to my nearby house d Pasar Malam walk walk and buy my favourite candy floss. Haha.

Nearly 7 we went back home. =P


8:17 PM