
La Femme


Loves & Wants

.. + Puppy/Kitty
.. + Good Grades
.. + Make-Up Sets
.. + Many many clothes
.. + Distinction for Chemistry
.. + Driving License
.. + Travel around the world


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Sunday, September 14, 2008

Kawaii-Ness ♥

Happy Mid Autumn Festival all~!! =D
Yesterday my family, cousin, one small kid and me
went to changi beach celebrate early mooncake festival
with many of my relatives.

When we reach there..

The view so nice.. *.*

Then we went to watch the our uncles bbqing..Look delicious!!

But then the chicken wing n drum stick havent cooked yet

so we went the seaside there play.. =X
The kid named Melvin, the first one to chiong to the sea there.. Haha

After that, we play sian liao so go

help put up lantern =P

Nice hor.. =X

We also play some sparklers..

Hehe.. i took while they were playing =X
I playing too!! =D

Around 7+ like that we go eat our chicken wing n drumstick!! xD

Yeah~!! =X

Sad didnt took the picture we eating cause

hand too oily lers.. ><

Then we also have our marshmallow!!

When we finish eating

we put up candles..

We too boliao, nothing to do =X

After that, my sis and cousin go somewhere..

left me and Melvin..

I light these candles in a row xD

Melvin was watching =X

But suay suay i burn my hand few times T.T


And then, we went to the seaside again..

burning newspaper.. =X

pretend to camping..


Around 12+, we said jokes and riddle

for fun and laughter =X


we began to felt sleepy..



So we left before they go..

around 1+ reach home

and went to sleep immediately..

Hehes.. xP

This post took me more than 1 hour to do!!

LoL.. I'm damn slow >.<

Paisei if the picture is not clear..

More Picture will be post =P

Gtg.. Byes~!!




9:40 PM

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Kawaii-Ness ♥

Today we having a class outing
but not quite really look like
coz not more than 10 attend =X
But nvm.. Quite fun during the outing.. xD
however sometimes was like...
arrrgh..!! =X

In the morning was the most fun "part" to me..
after meeting with Gary,
we went buy something to eat..
And then, go find Huiyu..
Zz.. Dunno how to get there..
so called her and ask which block she stays..
walked until leg "suan" coz we anyhow walk then reach =X
after meeting her..
we went to Yanjie block there look for him..
Waited very long..
and the weather was like so hot..!! >.< Zzz..!!! Dunno how many minutes later.. finally came down. And then.., four of us took bus to amk hub to meet the others..

(Amk Hub)
We met Zujian, then look for the others..
Then is Frankie.. He is like someone who
open candy shop..
bring alot of sweet and chocolate lorrs.. =X
And then six of us went to have our lunch
at the Foodcourt.
While eating..
XiangShun and Henry appeared from no where.. o.O
After eating..,
we went walk walk inside amk hub
and went into the arcade.. xD
dunno why this time lazy to play
so watch the boys playing.. =X
Then saw Gary playing beasketball.
His points was like..
so close to the highest point lah.. =X
Pro.. x.x
(CCA is basketball anyways.. and also heard that he was the captain of Angsali o.O)
After that we go buy "Meet Dave" e movie tickets..

Before we reach the hall there,
we went buy Popcorn and drinks..
This was the time that,
Huiyu and me feeling getting pangseh by some some.. =X
Although we know is at Hall 1..
we dunno where we sit
coz we didnt hold the tickets..!
go in also no use..
its was so dark we couldnt even find them.. T.T
then receive a phone call telling us where they were sitting
Huiyu and me manage to find them..
but then go to the wrong side!!
coz we don't want to walk another big round so a short cut way is to..
walk infront of the boys..
in order not to block the audience we walk very fast there
and step onto many of their feet..!!
After watching the movie, come out..
Brain freeze liaos..!!
and same thing happened..
we didnt finish eating our popcorn again..
some of us e drink also havent finish yet =X
Then we went to the so call "lan" ?? (dunno how to spell.. psps..)
The boys went there to play dota..
Huiyu and me, the only two guai kia girls =X
we find it not suitable for us to go..
so decide went to the library..
Huiyu and me get some books
then sit somewhere reading..
Then got a phone call from home
says that i have to go back home for dinner
so means later cannot eat dinner with friends liaos..
same as Huiyu..
So sad.. T.T
Around evening, they came to library..
But we have to go home liao..
Then they go Mac Donald while Huiyu and me went home together..
Hope next time d outing is on Saturday coz family wont be cooking at home..
so its okay for me to stay till quite late..
=X =X

After that
went back home


7:49 PM