
La Femme


Loves & Wants

.. + Puppy/Kitty
.. + Good Grades
.. + Make-Up Sets
.. + Many many clothes
.. + Distinction for Chemistry
.. + Driving License
.. + Travel around the world


♥Choir's Blog!
♥Alyssa Sotong!
♥Benjamin Garfield Lover xD)
♥Han Long IQ freak
♥Hui Yu Chicken MAMA
♥Jearl Xiao Bu Dian
♥Jerlyn Cutie
♥Jermaine Chio Bu
♥Jia Qi Bunny
♥Jia Yi Meimei!
♥Jonathan Big palm
♥Li Jun!
♥Pei Qin!
♥Wei Jie!
♥Xiang Shun!
♥Xiao Yi
♥Yu Bin!



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Music Playlist at MixPod.com

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Base Code: Tammy Agnes
Materials: Sakurapop Frostiparadice Little-Miss-Wendy
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Welcome to my blog
Welcome to loveyushi.blogspot.com!
Tag me when your leaving!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Kawaii-Ness ♥

My body everywhere aching..
maybe because of yesterday netball training..
we do alot of stretching bah..
pain~ T.T

nothing to say liao
bb~ =P


10:52 AM

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Kawaii-Ness ♥

Today having netball training..
Fun and interesting but also very tired.

Before training,
Huiyu and Shi Min were outside the HOD.
Yuan lai they were looking at the notice board.
I very scared lah cannot same class with my friends..
Then Huiyu told me me at E1 class..
hehex.. surprising xD

Sad lar some of them not in our class liaos..
I wonder who will be our next "Henry" in our class next year.. =X

Good that now can talk more clearly liao
but throat still in pain T.T

=X =X


12:58 PM

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Kawaii-Ness ♥

This post was asked to do is Xiaoyi~!! ;D

-The person who tagged you is..
Lau Xiaoyi

-Your relationship with her is..
Friends, ofc~ =)

-Your 5 impressions of her..
Adorable, funny, cheerful, intersting, playful? (abit =X)

-The most memorable thing she had done for you..
hmm.. *speechless* LOL.

-The most memorable thing she had said to me..
"do quiz in my blog" kidding~ xP

-What if she becomes your LOVER..?
I don't want to be les liaos.. =.="

-If she becomes your lover, she will need improvment on..?
Already say don't want liao~ ><

-If she becomes your enemy, you will ..?
Can't imagine, coz she was once my best friend in primary school =X

-Repeat question above.
"The person who tagged you is" ? or "If she becomes your enemy you will" ??

-What do you wanna her to tell you now?
Hello. =="

-Your overall impression of her..
Interesting. =P

-How do you think poeple will feel around you?
Go ask yourself.

-The character you love yourself are..
... ... ... =="

-On the contary, the characters you hate yourself are..
Love myself too much lers. LOL.

-The most ideal person i wanna be is..
Myself. =P

-Pass this quiz to ten people that you wish how they feel about you.
1. Huiyu
2. Peiqin
3. Benedict
4. Benjamin
5. Ming Hao
6. Henry
7. Malenie
8. Jia Hui
9. Sharon
10. Sheranlynn

-Who is no.6 having relationship with?
(Henry) Himself.

-Is no.9 is male or female?
(Sharon) Female

-If no.7 and no.10 together, will it be a good thing?
(melanie and sheranlynn) they are not les.. =X

-What is no.2 studying about?
(Peiqin) hmm.. sc? maths? chinese? oO

-When was the last time you chat with no.3?
(Benedict) Yesterday

-What kind of music does no.8 like?
(JiaHui) Dunno

-Does no.1 have any siblings?
(Huiyu) Elder brother, elder sister and a younger sister

-Will you woo no.3?
(Benedict) You woo yourself =.=

-How about no.7?
(Malenie) nty also =X dun wan be les liaos

-Is no.4 single?
(Benjamin) Most likely.

-What is the surname of no.5?
(Ming Hao) Tan

-What is no.1's hobby?
(Huiyu) Play audi?

-Where is no.2 studying at?
(Peiqin) Serangoon Garden Secondary School

-Talk about something about no.1
(Huiyu) Purple!! =.=

-Have you ever develop feelings about no.8?
(JiaHui) abit??

-Where does no.9 live at?
(Sharon) Dunno. =X

-What colour does no.4 likes?
(Benjamin) Go ask him yourself.

-Are no.1 and 5 are best friends?
(Huiyu and MingHao) err.. not really.. oO??

-Does no. 1 has any pet?
(Huiyu) No.

-Is no.7 the most sexiest person in the world?
(Malenie) hmm.. dunno. =X

-What is no.10 doing now?
(Sheranlynn) Dunno.


1:49 PM

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Kawaii-Ness ♥

Was told by Benedict to do this survey
more like forcing me lor =.=" .. =X

Name 20 people you can think of :
1. Frankie
2. Xiaoyi
3. Gary
4. Huiyu
5. Peiqin
6. Winnie
7. Melvin
8. Nazura
9. Benedict
10. Sharon
11. Farhana
12. Christine
13. Benjamin (Bp)
14. Dolores
15. Jenny
16. Jermaine
17. Xiang Shun
18. Nasya
19. Saathish
20. Darren

How do you meet 14?
Secondary School

What if you have never meet 1?
Cant recognise him as uncle liaos.

What if 9 and 20 are fated?
Benedict and Darren
Wish too. Darren so cute little boy but Benedict just hate small kid =.= ( cause he jealous =P)

Will 6 and 14 date?
Winnie and Dolores
I don't think they want to be lesbian.. =X

Is 8 attractive?
Hmm.. Quite? I like her spec. xD

Describe 7.
8 years old boy, mischevious but interesting adorable

Do you know 12's family member?
Two parents and two elder sisters name Sherry and Jewell

What if 18 confess that she likes you?
LoLs?? Can't be.. She not les.. =X

What language does 15 speak?
English, Chinese, Teochew, Hokkien and Malay (abit)

Who is going out with 9?
He dun wan to tell me but i guess is yl =P (sry yl~!! scared u angry, but is kidding only ><)

How old is 16?

When did you last speak to 13?
Not sure. A long period??

Who is 2 favourite singer?
Not sure.

Would you date 4?
Kk. =) but i dun think she wants.. o0

Is 19 single?
Dun think so.. maybe with Sharon?? Hahas JkJk. He dun suits to be my son-in-law!! xD

What is the last name of 10?
Marian?/Mattew? Psps..

What is the school of 3?
Serangoon Garden Secondary School

Where does 6 live?

What do you think of 5?
Helpful, Friendly, Interesting and cute!! xD

Have you seen 2 naked?
SIAO!!! I'm not that pervert!! =.=

Choose 5 people to do this survey.


But its okay if u dun wan to do
unlike someone..
die die wan me do..


4:03 PM

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Kawaii-Ness ♥

Happy Birthday Jie~!! ^^
Sorry bo buy present for you..
(So guilty..) =X
Morning my parents and i went downstair have dinner..
then go get cake..
Back home..play com awhile.. =X
After that call Jenny n the small kid they all
and our neighbour the kids come our house play.. xD

Cant wait to eat the cake sia until forget take pic.. =.=

After that we all went to Compass Point e Pizza Hut eating.. =)

Lazy say so just put pictures
see see can liao xD

Yummy so nice xD/Jewell enjoying the food hahas/ Christine and Jie ( wad they doing?? o0 =X)

Me and Jewell taking photo =X/My cousin Jenny hehex/drinking water, pure de hor.. =X

This one is after eating.. all siam =.=/ Daddy n Mummy ^^/Melvin xD

Yummy =P/ Yummy/ Chicken wing~!! ^^

Sherry <>
After eating we walk around compass point
then went back home..
End End~!!
Hard for me to post pic on blog sia..
Took me very long to make.. Zzz..


8:58 PM

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Kawaii-Ness ♥

Today went out with Huiyu, Sharon, Peiqin, Farhana and Nazura
to Bishan J8. ^^
So fun lor..
Dunno why keep laughing all the way o.0

We went to amk hub took neoprint
before going to Bishan J8..

Reach le Bishan..,
Huiyu and me was like hungry
so go KFC buy popcon chicken.
Damn long la~!!
wait till so hungry..
Hungry until stomach pain =.=

After that we went walk around buy things..

We made our 'friendship keychain' xD
so nice.. ^^

Then we went to arcade play =X

Huiyu was playing basketball..
So dangerous standing beside her lor..
the ball always fly out and
poor Sharon almost kenna hit alot times.. T_T
Aya we play alot of games jiu shi lers.. =X

Waa can see that Huiyu so kind lorrs.. (seriously.. =X)

She bought a bag cost around $37 as her younger sister birthday present!!

I was like.. WTH??!

So expensive sia..

Soon we went KFC eat again..

Then after that went home


4:06 PM

Monday, October 13, 2008

Kawaii-Ness ♥

Woots!! Exam over now..
can play till crazy le!! ^^

Dun feel like talking about today e paper..
Maths.. Sian la.. Alot careless mistake.. T_T
Then is D & T..
section A actually want leave all blanks
but then feel bad
so put some answer (but then is sure wrong one)
so can confirm that i get 0 mark for that part ^^
other jiu so-so bah.. nth wrong

After school, Huiyu, Peiqin, Farhana, Sharon and me
went to Serangoon Centre e Mac Donald eat =P
Eat liao jiu go home play audition~!! ^^
Waa this time one very fun..
alot of our schoolmates play together..
Play very long then a small girl, my neighbour
come my house and "disturb" me.. =X
settling with her very long..
then gone home.. =X

Then go for dinner


9:10 PM

Friday, October 10, 2008

Kawaii-Ness ♥

Back alive again~!! (:
My blog won't die without passing my audi license T_T
So dont spent your money on coffin and funeral =P
Very touch you all going to buy for my blog..

Monday will be the last day for our exam~!!
Sian will not do well..
alot careless mistake..
and like memorising rubbish..

Forget about exam.. =X
Today play audi..
same thing happen lorrs..
License fail again.. *sobs*
hard sia..
need someone help liaos =X


2:24 PM

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Kawaii-Ness ♥

My blog has back to life again!! =P

Was preparing for exam..
so didnt have the time to post..
(like real.. =X)

For English Paper 1
was so so bah..
Not difficult
but i find my writing sucks. =.="

After that is paper 2..
sobs.. going to fail for this
i dislike compre..!! T.T
Leave blank for few questions sia.. >.<
heng never tio scold..

The coming next is Geography..
sian i study whole paper liao
but bei only those
teacher tell us will come out on essays one..
after exam went buy lunch home
then went study science
dunno why feeling bored..
so went to friends house..
suppose to be home by 6
yet reached home at 6.30..

after dinner..
dun feel like studying
so went to play neopets..
then went sleep..

next morning
wake up..
watch tv
then saw somebody on the tv..!!
he was taken..
when was a primary school boy..
now is our classmate..
was shocked to see him appear there..!!
(dun mention name better.. =X)

Then saw another one again..
also same school with him bah i think..
Now is my netball friends..!!
Nothing to say...
(dun mention name also.. =X)

Then go out to Chinatown..
go in shopping center..
the sliding door there was crowded
thought got what promotion..
then realise that
there were people arguing.. o.O
The money changer was quarelling wif
a customer..
Then saw them slaping each other..!!
the cutomer was not happy so
shout "F*** You!"
After that we siam liao.. =X

Walk walk le then go Harbour Front..
Leg very suan then go home..
Then went out have dinner
and went back home again..

Lastly, blogging.. =P
Byes~ xD
Sian today never study dao lor!! T.T


8:58 PM