
La Femme


Loves & Wants

.. + Puppy/Kitty
.. + Good Grades
.. + Make-Up Sets
.. + Many many clothes
.. + Distinction for Chemistry
.. + Driving License
.. + Travel around the world


♥Choir's Blog!
♥Alyssa Sotong!
♥Benjamin Garfield Lover xD)
♥Han Long IQ freak
♥Hui Yu Chicken MAMA
♥Jearl Xiao Bu Dian
♥Jerlyn Cutie
♥Jermaine Chio Bu
♥Jia Qi Bunny
♥Jia Yi Meimei!
♥Jonathan Big palm
♥Li Jun!
♥Pei Qin!
♥Wei Jie!
♥Xiang Shun!
♥Xiao Yi
♥Yu Bin!



March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
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December 2010

Music Beats

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

♥ Click
Designer: ♥PURPLE.licious-
Base Code: Tammy Agnes
Materials: Sakurapop Frostiparadice Little-Miss-Wendy
Image Host: Photobucket

Welcome to my blog
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Thursday, November 27, 2008

Kawaii-Ness ♥

Was told by BP to do this survey.

Rules and Regulations :

+ People who were tagged, need to blog about their own 10 weird things/ habits / little facts as well as state the rule clearly.

+ At the end, you need to choose 10 people to be tagged and lists their names.

+No tag back pls.

10 weird things / habits / little facts about yourself :

- talking to myself (自言自语)
- laugh without reason (maybe)
- abit bhb!! xD
- forgetful
- like to act blur (sometimes)
- xiao qi?? to somebody only!! =X
- talk while sleeping (this is what my family told me =X)
- playing with fingernails
- break promise?? abit bah xP
- sometime quiet sometime very noisy

People tag to do this survey

+ Benedict
+ Jermaine
+ Jia Hui
+ Melania
+ Melissa
+ Peiqin
+ Sharon
+ Sheranlynn
+ Wei Keat
+ Xiaoyi

* Have fun~!! =X *


4:19 PM

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Kawaii-Ness ♥

now my audi char lvl 21 le~!! ^^
all thanks to my darling Huiyu
who helped me~ xD
Me do million times also won't pass one lor =X
Thanks!! ^^


9:42 AM

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Kawaii-Ness ♥

Yeah! Just back from choir camp..
Fun and tiring.. =X
Got alot to say..
so pls be prepare!!
[ pic will be upload soon if can (: ]

~Day 1..~
wake up at 7am..
then use com awhile..
then reach school at around 9..
meet with Jamie then go to the Commerce Room.
was abit sian la.. not all attend for the camping..
unlike me.. got cough still go.. *bhb* =x =x

After that we split into 2 groups
to do a kite..
then also make our own envelops.. =P

do until 11+ i think
we jiu went ntuc to shop for groceries..
i think some ppl were looking at us..
coz of the group of ppl wearing the same shirt bahs..
then we saw Wei Keat at ntuc too.. oO

then we got back school
cook our own lunch! ^^
at first funny la..
the fire cant start..
so we have to wait for Wei Keat to bring lighter for us..
but in the end light up before he arrived..
but nvm.

we cooked Mee Goreng~
and something.. i 4get ler.. zz

then the left over the water
we pour it into the drain =X
after eating, we help in finishing the mushroom soup..
ohya, then we saw those npcc marching on the way..
we was like.. faster pack up and run lahhs.. =X

and then..
after eating,
we walked back to the commerce room
to continue with our kite..
until Mr Chen arrived..
we start our combined rehearsal..
we got learn 1 new song also..
quite nice. =P

and then..
we have our amazing race!! xD
i think first is to find Wen Jing..
at the amk library..
cause we were challenging with the other group..
so have to use run.. =X
we also very kang chiong in the library..
so tio kenna by 1 librarian =.="

after that we rush to mrt station..
go here go there de..
lazy say.. =X

ohya.. got 1 part we spent very long time..
we were finding XinYi nowhere..
we were all peiceik?? =X
we kept saying "where is xinyi??"

lalalala~ next time will say more.. =X

Back to school.. all were lethargic (hehe mr chen teach)
then we went bathing and wash up and
saw alot "Xiao Qiang"

then we go commerce room
take our THINGS
up to the mpr..

i was playing
with Yifei, Jamie and Chan Minh they all
when i receive a call calling me to go for the meeting too oO.

during the meeting..
i was in a sleep mode..
mr chen got wake me sometimes bah =X
then discuss till 2.30am they let me go..
so gone to sleep.

~Day 2.. ~
i like day 2.
we went to pasir ris park
to learn roller blading..
so we go rent it for 2hrs.
lol then i keep falling..
thanks to my choirmates
especially xinyi for holding me..
and i finally how to play le!
thanks! xD
but in the end i sprain my ankle T.T

then play half way raining..
actually wanted to stop playing de
but the rain had stopped liao.. oO

then while waiting for e bus to fetch us..
Mr Chen, our conductor..
treat everyone of us ice cream! ^^
tyty!! xD
knew he very nice one =X

then back to school..
getting tired..
but we still have our treasure hunt
so this time we don't feel as kangchiong as amazing race..

but we still won..

now i'm half dead lers.. =.=
so we went bathing..
see "xiao qiang" until dun wan see liao..
then we go back to the MPR..
feel like sleeping in my sleeping bag..
but we still have the night trail T.T

everyone was like not high..
maybe too sleepy ler? =X
same as me..

finally we were back to MPR again..
then got sharing programme..
zz.. then i accidently fell asleep..
but did woke up so that the teacher wont find out..
after that i immediately went to sleep.. =P

~Day3.. (FINALLY)~
woke up..
wash up..
pack up..
went for breakfast..
then go commerce room
to collect our envelops..
finally go home!! ^^
yeah~ i miss my family sia..
~Back Home~
first to see is my sister
didnt realise she had cut her hair oO..
but when parent home..
then know..
Then use com awhile blogging about day 1..
my head was getting giddy..
so stopped le then went gaming =P
didnt played for long..
cause had to go out later..
walked to downstair..
reliase that i forget to bring my Hp down =.=..
but also no batt le so bring also equal didnt bring..
then drove to Kovan
to eat Laksa.. xP
then walk walk
after that go to Aunt house..
and then back home..
have dinner..
play com..
didnt blog =X..
wake up..
play com again..
after that blogging =P
Byes~ ^^



12:16 PM

Monday, November 17, 2008

Kawaii-Ness ♥

Let's talk abt ytd bah..
afternoon my cousin with a small kid came to my house
suppose to go to the beach,
however my cough still not fully recovered yet..
and daddy having sore eyes =x
so we decided to go shopping centre..
got aircon also..
better.. =P

then inside e foodcourt..
very noisy sia..
a group of ppl laugh until so loud
scary lehhs.. =.=

after that walkwalk around..

then went inside ntuc..
so guilty lahhs..
i make melvin cry!
accidently hor.. not purposely de.. T.T
but awhile jiu okay lers.. =X

we fetch le Jenny n melvin..
jiu go home do salad.. ^^

everything went fine..
until 8+ or 9
my daddy de sore eyes like becoming more serious liao..
so he first went to e 24 hours clinic..
then the doctor said that
he had to go hospital immediately
else by tmr..
the eyes will turn blind..
after hearing we were damn shocked
and i was thinking..
wtf?? is the doctor kidding??

and my sister was the first one to persuade daddy..
so around 10.30pm..
he drove to Tan Tock Seng hospital by his own..
we were very worried..
keep waiting until 1am+..
i was too sleepy..
so had gone to slp..

This morning..
wake up at 9..,
cause of my stupid cough..
wanted to go to the washroom..

Then i saw my daddy
having breakfast at the kitchen!
was so happy lahh..
then keep asking him how his eyes now..
blabla~ alot Qn.. xP
And also told me that
he got back home at 3am oO..
lol.. i had already slept liao..

Anyways.. good that his home now.. ^^

after having my breakfast..
went to see the doctor again.. =.="
the cough still non stop..
Got my medicine,
then take a look at my mc..
siao arr??! 3 days??
nothing to say..
so back home..

Blogging~ =)


10:39 AM

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Kawaii-Ness ♥

Gratz Huiyu has become 14. ^^
JyJy myself also~ xD

This morning wake up..
sitll having abit fever and got cough also..
so mummy give me the "zhong yao" (chinese medicine),
last night also eat panadol.

But around afternoon, when i was gaming..
i feeling abitbit giddy then body like getting warmer..
so go take thermometer.
First try was 37.8 degree..
but then after awhile second try 38 degree..

So my mum brought me the the 24 hour e clinic.

When reach le was like very what lor.. xD
they ask me for name but i no voice..
feel like laughing sia.
so my mum helped me say.

Go inside the doctor's turn to ask me.
then i diam don't feel like saying anything
coz throat also getting painful when i talk..
Then my mummy helped me say again =P

Take le medicine jiu go home eat..
after that on9 com chatting with my darlings~

Dunno why now feeling so sleepy..
maybe bcoz of those medicine bah.

*Slapping my own face*


3:29 PM

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Kawaii-Ness ♥

Happy Birthday Huiyu =D
May all your wish come true ^^


Btw, maybe will be going out on thursday celebrate with Huiyu ^^
any1 going can ask either me or Huiyu =P


1:30 PM

Friday, November 7, 2008

Kawaii-Ness ♥

Yesterday was so fun~ ^^
wanted to blog last night but too late liao so do it in the morning =P
also can.. hahas.

Ytd morning we having netball training..
quite tiring but also fun..
After training, we went to Hougang Mall e "Long John Silver" to hav our lunch.
"Thanks" to my friends..
now i finally know how to eat cheese lers.. Finally!! T_T
then, we accompany Shi Ming to buy bag.
Around 4pm, i think..
we got back home.

Then like don't have much time liao..
back home quickly change clothes lalala~
and meet Huiyu at the bus stop.

The journey was so long lah.. =X
From Serangoon to Hougang Mall interchange..
then from Interchange to Downtown East.
Reach le was abit..
we anyhow walk..
trying walked here and there..
and we saw wild wild wet liaos

Then we saw one entrance.. dunno issit for the chalet or not
so called Sheralynn =X
Btw.. we first saw de ppl were Frankie and Bing Hui. o.O
after that is Nasya, Nadia and Prabat.
So we went in together.

Huiyu so shy lorrs..
reach there le but don't want enter the room.
Go in saw ppl having "Pillow Fight".. Rofl~ oO
after that we went outside to buy some snacks =P

At first really quite sian..
then getting fun liaos =X
go in the room saw some gambling. oO
Heard that Dolores win alot worrs.. =P
then Huiyu and me went to the arcade there play..

Went back saw Mr Choo and Miss Tan at there liaos.
They are so kind lor..
bbq the foods for us..
so touching T_T

around 8 or 9, i think..
A "gang" of boys arrived
then like getting noisy..
but good lah,
more ppl come better mah.. =P

Dunno why,
time pass so fast..
getting late liao..
we scared no bus later so have to leave earlier
sad~ when Huiyu and me were leaving..
Henry, HongLiang, Yanjie and Zujian came escort us.. oO lols..
thanks anyways =X
Huiyu and me board the bus..
Hope that we can reach home asap..
coz so dark liao..

every bus stop,
will have at least one ppl leave the bus..
in the end only left us two of us sia!!
scary lah!! T.T
finally we saw the Hougang Bus Interchange liaos..
but reach there like not much ppl..
and we don't want board the bus anymore liaos
so called Daddy to fetch us some home xP

After fetching Huiyu home,
we got back home.
then was so sleepy =X
wash up
wake up


9:46 AM