
La Femme


Loves & Wants

.. + Puppy/Kitty
.. + Good Grades
.. + Make-Up Sets
.. + Many many clothes
.. + Distinction for Chemistry
.. + Driving License
.. + Travel around the world


♥Choir's Blog!
♥Alyssa Sotong!
♥Benjamin Garfield Lover xD)
♥Han Long IQ freak
♥Hui Yu Chicken MAMA
♥Jearl Xiao Bu Dian
♥Jerlyn Cutie
♥Jermaine Chio Bu
♥Jia Qi Bunny
♥Jia Yi Meimei!
♥Jonathan Big palm
♥Li Jun!
♥Pei Qin!
♥Wei Jie!
♥Xiang Shun!
♥Xiao Yi
♥Yu Bin!



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Base Code: Tammy Agnes
Materials: Sakurapop Frostiparadice Little-Miss-Wendy
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Welcome to my blog
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Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Kawaii-Ness ♥

Yo everybody! I'm back to SG lers!! =D
Let me talk about what happen on pass few days bahhs..

Day 1 (:
Wake up at 6 plus.. kind of sleepy..
around 7.45am go fetch Jenny and her parents..
and then reach ferry terminal at 8 plus..

when reach liao.. it was so crowded lor..
after that we went into the custom..

me and jenny most kiasu lorrs..
boat haven came we already queue up waiting liaos.. =X
and then when the door open.. instead of walking.. we used CHIONG de!!

the journey from Sg to Indonesia was around 2 hours..
heng never vomit =X
lols.. xP

when reach there, we went to Er Yi's house..
then saw her 'settling' the chickens..
there were two bodies of chickens..
she was clearing all the organs in the body..!!
i was like OMG la.. x.x

after that.. Da Yi, Jie, Jenny and me went outside shopping =P
then we also went to hair salon..
Jie and Jenny rebond their hair..
but Jenny like is 'temporary straight hair'
(ps i noe vry blur coz i dunno how to explain!! =X
Me leh.. is cut layer =P
anyways their place is quite interesting sia..
mus wash hao hair b4 cutting else they will wash for you.. oO


then at night we went to pasar malam..
then i shun bian also buy high heel shoes =P

then back to Er Yi's home sleep very early..

Day 2 (:
Dunno wake up at what time also..
was having breakfast with daddy..
then we went outside chit chat..
after awhile.. i suay suay kenna bitten by mosquitoes lorrs..
alot 'red spots' on my leg siah.. T.T

back house watched Biao Kor playing playstation for a few hours..
lols.. he play no tired.. i watch DAMN tired =.="
then bu xiao xin fall asleep..
aya skip to day 3 liaos..

Day 3 (:
Happy Chinese New Year!! :D
Ang Bao Yi Ge Lai~

Went to relatives and frenz house..
hehe i wear my new high heel shoes..
but sad lorrs.. walk half way my leg de skin torn siah..
maybe cause wear too long liao..

so after that went to Biao Di house bai nian also..
we stay there quite long also..
again feeling quite bored lah..

after awhile saw a kitty pass by his house..
so cute lahhs!! ^^
then is meow meow lorrs =x
then it like shivering like that lahhs..
like hungry sia..
then keep on entering Biao Di's house..
maybe looking for food bahhs..

so took some food for the kitty to eat.. =X
then meow meow again..
then went to a corner sleep lers.. oO

after that.. we all those youngs one were playing catching..
but sian lahhs..
fell down on staircase..
and my right leg kenna two blue black..
almost cried out.. coz is so painful!! T_T


Day 4 (:
Today is when i going back from Indonesia to Sg.. =D
before going to the ferry terminal..
we actually thought of going shopping..
but poor Biao Mei << youngest among our family
she fell down lahhs..
so Biao Ge, Biao Di, Jie, Jenny and me have to take turns carry her..
all the way to Biao Di's house..

after reaching..
i noticed that i forget to take my shampoo back..
so call Xiao Shu brought me to Er Yi's house get..
when reach there and when going take..
then realise i left my clothes in washroom also..

then lalalalaallala~

then at the ferry terminal..
we kiasu again lahhs.. =X
cause Da Yi got friends at there so they allow us to board the boat
before the others..

and then.. what a coincidence lahhs..
i was sitting on the same boat, at the same seat also
as the first day we board the boat to indonesia..

during the journey also around 2 hours..
reach home around 7 like tat..
7.30 went for dinner then back home about 8 plus..
then jiu blogging~

@Wish everybody a Happy Chinese New Year!!! :D :D!!


8:08 PM

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Kawaii-Ness ♥

Yeah~ (:
yesterday meeting with Huiyu to buy her netball shoes..
meet up with her at Serangoon at interchange..
muhaha >:D didnt late horrs.. reach there before 12.30 liaos =X

then saw carrying stack of books, not scared cai guai..
so helped her carry some..
then we took mrt to bugis e national library
and then went to Plaza Sing e kfc to have lunch.. =P
so long never eat salad le sia ^^

after that we went shopping..
Huiyu bought her sport shoes..
while i bought a BY2 album =P

and then after buying, i made a call to home see whether i can go home late..
coz want to spend more times at pc bunk!! xD
and so, we went into the pc bunk..
since is weekend.. so the charge would be higher than usual lor =X

but coz i left not much..
so Huiyu helped me pay.. =X
xiao jie, is $6 hor not $12!! =X
u wan rob also dun rob me pls T_T

thats all for now~


2:20 PM

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Kawaii-Ness ♥

Didnt blog for quite a long time le..
lets talk about today bahhs.. =P

suppose to release at 3.10pm on thursday but we left the class at 12.30
cause of the sec1 orientation..
Me, Huiyu, Chan Minh, HongLiang, Yanjie, Zujian and 1 boy (dunno his name)
left the classroom.. oO
after that jiu go for choir with Chan Minh and some mates
then dunno about them le =X

so after entering the commerce room, immediately we went change into our costume..
then the dress like abit too short for me lorrs..
cause i grow taller le mah!! XD

then we do our warm up and reherse a few songs..
but we havent reherse finish the sec 1 jiu arrived liao
then was abit nervous too cause like long time didnt perform le.. =X
Then some song we were not well prepared, sometimes also forget the lyrics sia!!
then sometime also zhao xia.. XD

was glad that 1e3 was the first to sign up for choir..
somemore is boy sia!! xD
BUT HOR!! dunno good or bad..
dun really know why the e3 were giggling.. oO
issit because Mr Chen conducting the action funny for them?? =X
anyways.. partly because of them thats why i will laugh during singing lahhs!!
hahas!! xD
aya they quite cute also.. hahas..

we sang alot of times repeatedly too..
and is not easy for us to stand and sing for 1 hour+ hor..!! >_<

after performing.. we found out that currently there were 6 ppl wanted to join..
dunno whether is many or few.. but our target is 10, mr chen one is 20 =X
got ppl join very good liao.. =P

and then on the way home with my costume and high heel shoes
cause too LAZY le!! =X

and then nothing much le..
do my maths hw abit
after that go for dinner
then finsihing my hw
and jiu blogging =)

thats all for now~
byes..!! ^^

@our school sgss on newspaper sia.. oO


9:40 PM

Friday, January 2, 2009

Kawaii-Ness ♥

Time pass so fast and finally school reopen.
woke up at 6.30am, still feeling sleepy.. *_*
Spend most of my time tieing my hair..
dunno why issit soo hard to tie it up sia..
Fringe is very long too.. so prepared a hairclip just in case. =X

After that rush for breakfast then get ready to meet all my darlings.. ^^
(Huiyu, Pq n nazu)
Suppose to meet them at 7-eleven..
but in the end i came to school by my own =.="

However, when reached school.. first to meet was Jenny!
not bad luhhs..
Then waited for Huiyu at the school gate.
was surprised that she gave me a birthday present
coz 4get.. =X

And then.. during morning assembly..
dunno what to say lahhs..
all the guys were wearing LONG PANTS!!
maybe cause i cant get used to it..

then during the national anthem and the school song..
it was like totally no sound sia..

Back to class, was sitting beside Huiyu.. =P
then during recess (10.40am)
sian la~!! so many ppl..
i hate upper sec recess!! T.T
then saw SOMEBODY.. dunno what to do also.. zzz

aya after recess jiu nothing much liaos..
should be thats all..

@ to somebody : u r blind.


9:14 PM