
La Femme


Loves & Wants

.. + Puppy/Kitty
.. + Good Grades
.. + Make-Up Sets
.. + Many many clothes
.. + Distinction for Chemistry
.. + Driving License
.. + Travel around the world


♥Choir's Blog!
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♥Jearl Xiao Bu Dian
♥Jerlyn Cutie
♥Jermaine Chio Bu
♥Jia Qi Bunny
♥Jia Yi Meimei!
♥Jonathan Big palm
♥Li Jun!
♥Pei Qin!
♥Wei Jie!
♥Xiang Shun!
♥Xiao Yi
♥Yu Bin!



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Base Code: Tammy Agnes
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Thursday, August 20, 2009

Kawaii-Ness ♥

lets chat chat about today bahhs..
aya today lesson kinda tiring..
dun wan talk abt it..
miss seow today nvr com to schl again..
no bio lesson sia.. >.<
damn sianz.
talk about choir bahs..
man, i love choir

the most unforgettable de..
is Alyssa's burp..
ok la..no smell anyways..
coz i didnt smell any =x
no offence alyssa! =x

then after choir practice, abt to go home..
jiu raining le..

saw Zhe Ming at office outside..
like doing hw..
but like also peeping at huiyu from far far..

sry la.. very bored so do some kpo stuff.. xP

anyways.. when no raining, me nd Qi Rong go outside my home there slack =x
shun bian playing with a cat..
SO CUTE~~!!!! AWW!!! LOL =X
meow~ xD
then saw my godbrother..
dunno why he there?? maybe cca?? oO

OHYA!! got one thing i most bu shuang..
There were two lower sec boys at my house downstair pass by..
one of them take off all his buttons (trying to show his body)
damn pervert luhhs!!
no six pads still wan show.. SIAO AR? =X

k thats all i can say~ byebye~
anyways i blog abt this very fast..
so might have typo error..


9:39 PM

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Kawaii-Ness ♥

Lmao.. just went to see doctor AGAIN!! (this morning)
the 3rd time liao..
coz i allergic to some medicine..
last night my whole face really change shape..
around my eyes all red swollen..
from big eyes to VERY small eyes..
nearly cant see things coz the swollen part like 'forcing' my eyes to close..
then my nose block very jialat..
and also have a slight asthma attack..

now my eyes still swollen..
had to force my eyes to open big big..
kinda xin ku lorrs.. T.T

then the doctor give me two more types of medicine
for the allergic one..
one will make me fall asleep again..

hmm.. thats all bah..


9:05 AM

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Kawaii-Ness ♥

Sian sia~
went see doctor again just now..
cause today dunno why, suddenly got flu and the phlegm got blood..
then from fever gone up to high fever..
so mummy bring me to the clinic again..
then the doctor say my illness got worsen..
so went extend my mc till friday..

but then that one is for standby..
if i feel better i will come back ^^

and also, got more medicine le..

ok i dun think can blog anymore..
the medicine (flu) is making me so sleepy~!!!!!

thats all..
bye ^^


8:11 PM

Kawaii-Ness ♥

wanted to blog ytd..
aya~ dun feel like =x
damn tired and sleepy ytd..
so 2day going to post post~

ytd morning, after waking up, i can feel my body very warm..
but didnt bother much, so went wash up
until i felt giddy..
so went to take temperature and this is the result : 36.9 degree C

after taking, went to eat breakfast but no appetite so brought it to school
when back to class to take temperature, still the same, 36.9..
but i still dun feel well..!!
so felt very sleepy during lesson..
and Farhana tried to wake me up =x

after that, during maths lesson,
i asked Sharon to accompany me to the washroom and "shun bian" take temperature..
then got : 37.4 degree C

after maths lesson is recess..
i "Bu gan xin" [someone help me translate pls ty =x]
coz i already feel unwell but the temperature still low..
so went took again and got this result : 37.8 degree C
at first thought maybe not accurate so took again and got the same temperature..

so Sharon brought me to office
then hor.. the staff member help me take temperature..
(fyi, is in AIR-CON room, NOT ROOM TEMPERATURE!!)
and the result is 37.3..
i was thinking.. pls la is air room leh.. ur one not accurate la!
then i used my own thermometer, coz in air con room, but got 37.7..

then she gave me the form and wants the teacher to sign..
so next period is English
then i go find Mr Dave to help me sign

After that, Chan Minh accompany me go office
then called mummy to come to school to fetch me..

Then, mumm brought me to 24 hours clinic..
the doctor check my temperature again and got 38.1.. O_O"
got rise so fast mehhs?? =x
aya nvm..
then then, the doctor give me 2 days mc which is today and tomorrow..
so friday will come back to school..
siao liao.. thursday damn lot lesson sia..
somemore the doctor says this "If still not feeling well come approach me, i will give you more mc."
LOL!!!! "Doctor!! i still feel unwell!!!" JKJK!! XD
but then pity huiyu..
she whole week cannot come to school.. =X
Get well soon! (:

Hmm, then went back home ate medicine..
heng only one type nia, fever =P

Actually wanted to use com and do blogging..
but dunno when, i fell asleep.. o.o
then woke up around 2.45pm~

At night, no appetite eat dinner..
but manage to eat some..
then ate medicine..
sian lorrs..
last night didnt slp well..
and Xiao Hei & Xiao Bai so noisy!!
okay la, sayang sayang.. dun cry dun cry =x

Coz my body feel very warm this morning so sleep on the floor feel cooler..
after that, daddy asked me to eat medicine so will feel better..

then i think i crazy le =x
i splash my whole head wet..
and my shirt all wet sia..
and my face like zombie la!!

and then and then,
ate my breakfast and then ate medicine..
now using cold water to cool myself..
i think thats all bah..
byebye [x


9:14 AM

Friday, August 7, 2009

Kawaii-Ness ♥

hiyaya~ (:

Today was such a fun and unforgetable day!! ^^
our school was celebrating e coming national day
this morning went to school, first to see is my cousin Jenny! (:

hmm.. after that saw my classmates and soon our class gather
for today morning assembly.
We also nvr 4get to take our temperature.. =P

after awhile all the UG here..
i saw Chan Minh (holding the SG flag siah),
Benjamin (carry their Ncc flag),
Edward (erm.. idk..LOL! sorry!! issit the guiding?? Oo?),
Sathish (carry gun sia!! mama!! ok la, not real gun.. =P)
i saw Dacha n Jerlyn too..
waa so many UG from our class and all high rank worrs..

Ohya, today e National Anthem, pledge n school song seems to be the loudest among usual day we do lor =x
After that is the concert!! :D
I love the part most is Mr Goh who sang "You Raise Me Up"
and Mr Paul also who sang "Home"
And and also! The last part where we shout "Yam Seng"
hehe~ i want drink the wine lehhs.. T_T

Anyways, after the concert, Jenny, Yu Bin and me go out buy things..
dun tell u whr we go =P LOL!!

then then went to Jenny house slack..
play her teddy bear, the winnie the pooh..
hahas XD

then then go Hp meet ahma, papa n mama
Ahma went jenny house stay overnight..

lastly, back home.. BLOGGING! =DDDDDD


@Today i havin a good mood..
pls dun spoil my mood coz of the tagboard..
next time there will be no pls..


9:28 PM

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Kawaii-Ness ♥



sorry ar nth to post so i gone abit crazy =P



8:01 PM

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Kawaii-Ness ♥

very sian lehhs..
nth to post..

National Day coming le~ :D


1:03 PM