
La Femme


Loves & Wants

.. + Puppy/Kitty
.. + Good Grades
.. + Make-Up Sets
.. + Many many clothes
.. + Distinction for Chemistry
.. + Driving License
.. + Travel around the world


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♥Jerlyn Cutie
♥Jermaine Chio Bu
♥Jia Qi Bunny
♥Jia Yi Meimei!
♥Jonathan Big palm
♥Li Jun!
♥Pei Qin!
♥Wei Jie!
♥Xiang Shun!
♥Xiao Yi
♥Yu Bin!



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Music Beats

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

♥ Click
Designer: ♥PURPLE.licious-
Base Code: Tammy Agnes
Materials: Sakurapop Frostiparadice Little-Miss-Wendy
Image Host: Photobucket

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Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Kawaii-Ness ♥

Singapore earthquake~!!
But i didnt feel it T.T
so sian..
forget it (:

finally got chance to use com again..

today ss test result shiok sia~
whole class only 2 ppl pass..

ok im one of the failure XD
but i find the paper damn hard larrs..
Sec 4 express/5NA
paper leh..
and is from Temasek Sec..

bu fail cai guai.. =x
aya.. anyways..
saturday going back school for remedial
then followed by test again..
tired... ~.~

next tuesday is exam lerss..
bit worried sia..
hope dun fail my eng again..
tcher dun mark so strict lehhs..
i will cry de lehhs.. T_T


2day also quite happy day larrs.. (:
especially the guys in our class who always
create so much laughters..
hahas ^^

thats all for now~
buaiis!! <33


7:32 PM

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Kawaii-Ness ♥

hmm.. are you okay? =x
sometime so hyper sometime so emo..
ur really weird.. =x

ppl read my blog dun xiang wai hor!!

i jus find it weird only..
this few days or this whole week u seems to be..ermm.. quiet??
around 1 week ago u like perfectly normal..
but suddenly u become so quiet..
i jus find it..ODD la..

kk nvm..
chg topic~

hey ppl, my hp got some problem..
especially in msging.. (SIANZZ!!)
sometime the msg u all send me i might receive it later or dun even receive it..
dunno why..
and sometime i cant even reply back to u all coz my bloody hp really sotsot liaos..
the phone kept appear this thingy "sending failed. Retry?"
so ppl.. sorry arr.. i didnt mean not to msg u.. is my hp dun let me msg u all D:

so dun com find me k??
go find my hp!!! =X

thats all for now~ ^^
buaiis ppl~ <33

Good Luck For Exam kkays?? :D
Byebye! ^_^


9:54 PM

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Kawaii-Ness ♥

Exam coming ler~
wish all good luck =)

*~scared scared~*!! ><


11:29 PM